Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mayhem with Malcolm!

By now, anyone who has the slightest interest in popular culture, knows that Malcolm Mclaren passed away on the 8th of April.

Malcolm was the iconoclastic force that shaped punk rock, and bands like The Sex Pistols with the likes of Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious.

In the late 60's Malcolm encouraged his then girlfriend, Vivienne Westwood to give up teaching and learn to sew. Together they opened up Let it rock! which soon became Sex, inspired by the bondage elements in punk rock fashion. The store went through several more incarnations before closing down in the mid 70's.

When Vivienne fell pregnant, Malcolm gave her money for an abortion but she spent it on a cashmere jersey instead! Their son Joseph Corre, creator of Agent Provocateur Lingerie, is the happy result of that decision.

Joseph has asked all those who remember Malcolm fondly, to observe a minute of mayhem at 12h 00 on the 22nd April.

I love that idea.

What kind of minute would you choose, to honour your own departure from this mortal coil?

A minute of dark chocolate melting on the tongue.

60 seconds in a hot bath. Several marvelous bounces on a trampoline. A quiet slow submerging in a mountain stream.

Much better then silence...

Come Thursday 12h 00 a.m, I'll be behaving badly with the rest of them!

xxx elle


  1. A sad-happy post that provoked thought. Thank you. I'd behave badly by gorging on two avocados.
